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How policies work How bylaws work
Beaches Bylaw 2018 (1.8mb pdf)
This Bylaw regulates the use of the beach in Tauranga. It covers topics such as vehicle use, craft use, hiring of craft, longline fishing, horses, removal of material from the beach, protective works, lifesaving equipment, structures, swimming bans, berths, aircraft and fires.
Dog Management Bylaw 2018 (3.6mb pdf)
This Bylaw covers the management of dogs in Tauranga. It covers topics such as leash control, dog prohibited areas, temporary dog prohibited areas, accommodation, limit on number of dogs, dog fouling, dogs in season, impounding, menacing dogs and fees.
Dog Management Policy 2018 (226kb pdf)
This policy complements the Dog Management Bylaw and covers topics such as dogs in public places, dog safe communities, responsible dog ownership, and dog registration.
Keeping of Animals Bylaw 2018 (146kb pdf)
This Bylaw regulates the keeping of animals and poultry in a manner which has minimal impact on, or causes minimal nuisance to, the wider community and in the appropriate zones. The bylaw includes information on keeping pigs, goats, bees, poultry, cattle, horses, deer, asses, mules, sheep, alpaca and llama.
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Civic Art Collection Policy 2008 (45kb pdf)
This policy ensures that Tauranga’s civic art collection is a coherent collection of works with recognisable links to the city and region by setting out the way the collection is acquired, maintained and displayed for the community to enjoy.
Handling Collection Policy 2009 (23kb pdf)
This policy determines access to and the use of the Handling Collection, a part of the education equipment and materials of the Tauranga Heritage Collection available to teachers.
Library Archives Policy 2020 (60kb pdf)
This policy defines the professional and institutional standards for how Tauranga City Libraries acquire, preserve and make available to the public, analogue and digital archive materials.
Libraries Level of Service Policy 2013 (132kb pdf) (to be rescinded)
This policy provides clear principles and levels of service for Tauranga’s libraries. This is a support policy to the Levels of Service Policy.
Tauranga Museum Collection Policy 2006 (80kb pdf)
This policy defines the professional and institutional standards for the acquisition and disposal of the Council’s Museum collections.
Arts, Culture and Heritage Action & Investment Plan Our public places strategic plan
Airport Bylaw 2016 (450kb pdf)
This bylaw protects the safety of airport users and property used in connection with the airport. It sets out the types of behaviours and requirements of users including the use of vehicles and aircraft operations.
Commercial Activities in Council Facilities Policy 2011 (69kb pdf)
This policy aims to ensure a consistent approach to the use of facilities by setting out the considerations that Council will take into account for the operation of commercial activities within Council facilities.
Prioritising Use of Indoor Facilities Policy 2011 (56kb pdf)
This policy provides a framework for decision-makers who need to prioritise the use of council’s indoor facilities network where a conflict of uses arises. It includes facilities such as indoor sports facilities, community halls, community centres, and arts centres.
Smokefree Places Policy 2013 (22kb pdf)
This policy outlines council’s educational approach to encouraging smokefree public places in Tauranga.
Subregional Community Facilities Funding Evaluation Policy 2007 (70kb pdf)
This policy guides the allocation of sub-regional community facility costs associated with growth between Tauranga and the Western Bay councils.
Tauranga Marina Policy 2000 (9kb pdf)
This policy sets out council's position on the Marina and the form of licence agreement with the Tauranga Marina Society in order to provide affordable facilities for boat owners and Marina users.
Our Public Places Strategic Plan Community Centres Action and Investment Plan Accessible Tauranga Action and Investment Plan Tauranga Harbour Recreation Strategy (6.8mb pdf) Tauranga Airport Masterplan (2.1mb pdf)
Consultation with Tangata Whenua on Resource Consent Application Policy 2006 (97kb pdf)
This policy clarifies roles and responsibilities of Council, tangata whenua and applicants in resource consent applications.
Local Government Official Information Requests Policy 2024 (137kb pdf)
This policy sets out how we will ensure we meet our responsibilities under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 to make official information held by the Council available to the public.
Local Government Official Information Requests Charging Policy 2024 (122kb pdf)
This policy outlines the circumstances where the Council may consider charging for official information requests and how requests may be charged.
Referenda Policy 2005 (33kb pdf)
This policy clarifies the circumstances under which a referendum may be held and ensures Council's processes comply with statutory requirements.
Significance and Engagement Policy 2020 (249kb pdf)
This policy guides when and how the Council will engage for community input on a proposal, this engagement will be in line with the level of significance of the proposal. This includes topics such as the principles of consultation, engagement with Māori, using a Special Consultative Procedure, informal engagement and when council will not engage.
Tauranga Mataraunui Inclusive City Strategy (8.2mb pdf) Tauranga Moana Iwi Management Plan 2016-2026 (3.5mb pdf) - A Joint Environmental Plan for Ngāti Ranginui, Ngāi Te Rangi and Ngāti Pūkenga in relation to Tauranga Moana.
Community Funding Policy 2023 (204kb pdf)
This policy provides a framework to guide the distribution of community funding to eligible entities to help achieve the strategic vision for the city. This includes the Community Grant Fund, Community Development Match Fund, Multi-Year Funding Agreements, Capital Funding, Community Leases and Partnership Agreements.
Grants for Development Contributions on Papakāinga Housing Policy 2023 (266kb pdf)
This policy sets out the eligibility criteria and the application, assessment, approval and distribution processes for the Grant Fund for Development Contributions on Papakāinga Housing. The purpose of the Grant Fund is to support the aspirations of Shareholders and/or Beneficial Owners of Māori land to return to their whenua through the provision of affordable, safe and healthy homes. The Grant fund helps to reduce the financial burden of development contributions on the development of Papakāinga housing on Māori land.
Grants for Development Contributions on Community Housing Policy 2023 (122kb pdf)
This policy sets out the eligibility criteria and the application, assessment, approval and distribution processes for the Grant for Development Contributions on Community Housing. The purpose of the Grant Fund is to assist registered community housing providers and accredited transitional housing providers to increase and retain the stock of community housing in Tauranga city. The method to achieve this is to fully or partially subsidise development contributions.
Stormwater Reactive Reserve Fund Policy 2015 (186kb pdf)
This policy provides guidelines for administrating the Stormwater Reactive Reserve Fund and its implementation. The fund is provided to support the community in a variety of risk reduction methods and responses following intense rainfall events that result in flooding.
Tauranga Mataraunui Inclusive City Strategy (8.2mb pdf) Accessible Tauranga Action and Investment Plan Smartgrowth Housing Action Plan (1mb pdf)
Elected Members' Expenses - Resources Policy 2024 (47kb pdf)
This policy clarifies the expenses and allowances councillors may claim in undertaking their role.
Fraud Prevention and Management Policy 2022 (145kb pdf)
This policy set out Council’s zero-tolerance approach for any fraud or corrupt behaviour. The policy outlines the council’s approach to fraud assessments and investigations of suspected fraud.
Local Election Policy 2019 (12kb pdf)
This policy ensures that election signs do not present a risk to safety, that council remains impartial in local elections, and the public has opportunities to meet candidates and learn about being an elected member. It covers topics such as the appointment of an electoral officer, election signs, the council’s role in the promotion of candidates, meet the candidates meetings, and candidates election information meetings.
Procurement Policy 2024 (136kb pdf) Procurement - Guide for Evaluating Responses (217kb pdf)
This policy and guide outline the principles and concepts that apply to all council procurement to ensure all products, services and works are fit for purpose, value for money and are bought using commercially astute and appropriate processes.
Property Acquisitions and Disposals Policy 2023 (597kb pdf)
This policy sets out council’s approach to buying, selling or transferring property, and road stopping. It includes a right of first refusal for mana whenua to buy land classified as surplus at its assessed market value.
Protected Disclosures Policy 2022 (155kb pdf) Protected Disclosures Procedure (209kb pdf)
This policy supports council’s responsibilities under the Protected Disclosures (Protection of Whistleblowers) Act 2022 to promote the public interest by facilitating the disclosure and timely investigation of matters of serious wrongdoing in, or by, the council.
Risk Management Policy 2024 (206kb pdf)
This policy provides a consistent process to manage risk and legal compliance, enhancing our operations to increase the likelihood of achieving outcomes for the city.
The office of the Auditor General Integrity Framework
Coastal Structures Policy 2020 (206kb pdf)
This policy guides decision-making on the current and future management of council-owned or administered coastal structures such as wharves, jetties and buildings on those structures. It ensures planned management of all council-owned and managed coastal structures along the coast and in the inner harbour is responsive to current and future coastal effects such as erosion and storm surge.
Response to Landslides Policy 2023 (132kb pdf)
This policy outlines how council will respond if a landslide occurs within Tauranga City Council boundaries. This includes how we respond to slips on council land, slips from council land to private land, slips from private land to council land and slips entirely on private land.
Tauranga Taurikura - Environment Strategy 2023-2033 (1.2mb pdf) Climate Action & Investment Plan Nature and Biodiversity Action & Investment Plan 2023-2033
Appointment of Directors to Council Organisations Policy 2020 (205kb pdf)
This policy sets out the process for identifying and appointing directors and trustees to council organisations. It is required by section 57 of the Local Government Act.
City Partnership Programme Policy 2009 (85kb pdf)
This policy sets out how Council will provide opportunities for community organisations, corporates and individuals to contribute to the development of community projects.
Community Share Policy 2005 (37kb pdf) Community Share Agreement Procedures (79kb pdf)
This policy provides a consistent and transparent approach to developing agreements between council and another entity for a shared use of a facility or land to enable or increase public access.
External Representatives’ Remuneration Policy 2021 (35kb pdf)
This policy provides clarity and consistency to how tangata whenua and community representatives are invited to participate in council decision-making processes and are nominally compensated.
Sponsorship from Corporates and Others Policy 2005 (62kb pdf)
This policy clarifies boundaries for the council to accept corporate and other sponsorship opportunities for its activities and facilities. It also provides guidance to potential sponsors.
Tangata Whenua Remuneration Policy 2021 (28kb pdf)
This policy establishes the remuneration for tangata whenua providing expert advice to council decision-making processes.
Volunteer Community Participation Policy 2012 (145kb pdf)
This policy provides a framework enabling community participation (where council has a level of involvement in the initiative) that seeks to achieve consistency and efficiency in the approach taken and ensure quality outcome.
Tauranga Mataraunui Inclusive City Strategy (8.2mb pdf) Connected Centres Programme 2020 The Western Bay Economic Strategy (724kb pdf)
Bulk Fund Capital Expenditure Policy 2005 (17kb pdf)
This policy provides a framework for bulk funds to enable consistent and equitable decision-making regarding competing priorities within a bulk funded budget.
Development Contributions Policy 2024/25 (7mb pdf)
Development contributions help council fund new or improved infrastructure required as a result of growth – like water and wastewater networks, roads, playgrounds and community facilities. More about Development contributions.
Funding Depreciation & Use of Depreciation Reserves 2009 (98kb pdf)
This policy sets out the extent to which Council will fund depreciation expenditure and determines the uses of depreciation reserves.
Levels of Service Lead Policy 2009 (112kb pdf)
This policy provides clarity and guidance about how Council will set and describe levels of service in the Long Term Plan.
Rates Remission Policy 2022 (34kb pdf)
This policy provides for rates remissions in particular circumstances.
Rates Postponement Policy 2022 (36kb pdf)
This policy provides rating relief to ratepayers experiencing financial hardship and to ratepayers whose farmland has increased in value due to the potential residential, commercial or other non-rural use.
Remission & Postponement of Rates on Māori Freehold Land (54kb pdf)
This policy enables council to acknowledge the special circumstances where there is no occupier or person gaining an economic or financial benefit from the land.
Revenue and Financing Policy 2021-2031 (113kb pdf)
This policy sets out the funding sources for council's activities over the next 10 years and the rationale for these choices. It also shows how council has complied with section 101(3) of the Local Government Act.
This policy is supported by the Funding Needs Analysis (235kb pdf).
Treasury Policy 2023 (75kb pdf)
This policy ensures investments and liabilities are managed in a prudent, effective and efficient manner.
The Western Bay Economic Strategy (724kb pdf) Tauranga Mataraunui Inclusive City Strategy (8.2mb pdf) Connected Centres Programme 2020
Active Reserve Level of Service Policy 2012 (80kb pdf)
This policy sets out levels of service for the provision and management of the existing and future active reserve network.
Alcohol Bylaw 2018 (3mb pdf)
The purpose of this bylaw is to reduce alcohol-related harm by controlling the consumption of alcohol in public places. It sets out the agreed permanent, New Year and temporary alcohol-free areas. It also provides the powers of search, seizure and arrest by NZ Police.
Freedom Camping Bylaw 2019 (6.6mb pdf)
This bylaw sets restrictions around freedom camping to ensure our spaces can be enjoyed by all. It sets out where freedom camping is permitted (subject to restrictions) and where it is prohibited, offences and penalties.
Naming Policy 2020 (60kb pdf)
This policy provides a consistent approach to naming streets, reserves, community facilities and other public places. It ensures the identity of the city is recognised and maintained in the naming of public places, and encourages locally significant Māori names for streets, reserves, community facilities and other public places.
Open Space Level of Service Policy 2022 (315kb pdf) Open Space Best Practice Guide (11mb pdf)
This policy outlines our approach to the intended levels of service for the open space network in terms of quantity, quality, accessibility and function.
Public Toilet Location and Level of Service Policy 2011 (36kb pdf)
This policy sets out where council aims to locate public toilets and the technical specifications.
This policy outlines council’s education approach to encouraging smoke-free public places in Tauranga.
Street Use and Public Places Bylaw 2018 (603kb pdf)
This bylaw lays out regulations for behaviour in public places so everyone can enjoy them safely and without nuisance.
Subregional Parks Policy 2012 (28kb pdf)
This policy sets out how Tauranga City Council and Western Bay of Plenty District Council will work together to provide, develop, manage and use sub-regional parks within the sub-region.
Use of Council Land Policy 2022 (193kb pdf)
This policy provides a consistent approach to the use of council land by our community, private and commercial users. It covers booking council land for weddings, sports competitions, events, markets, filming, photography, stalls promotions and giveaways. It also covers licences for mobile shops, fitness classes, commercial activities and tour operators. It also covers leases and licence to occupy agreements to use council land.
Our public places strategic plan Play, Active Recreation and Sport Action & Investment Plan 2023-33 Reserves and Open Space Action & Investment Plan 2023-33 Tauranga Mataraunui Inclusive City Strategy (8.2mb pdf) Accessible Tauranga Action and Investment Plan Tauranga Taurikura - Environment Strategy 2023-2033 (1.2mb pdf) Climate Action & Investment Plan Nature and Biodiversity Action & Investment Plan 2023-2033
Māori Road Ways Policy 1993 (9kb pdf)
This policy sets out the guidelines for the control and maintenance of roads through Māori land.
This bylaw lays out regulations for behaviour in public places so everyone can enjoy them safely and without nuisance. It includes topics such as retail displays, signs, furniture, events, activities, and trade in public places.
Street Use Policy 2023 (141kb pdf)
This policy covers the leasing, licensing or use of streets (including road berms, road reserves and unformed roads). It includes topics such as outdoor dining, balconies, structures, planting, events and activities on council streets and berms.
Traffic and Parking Bylaw 2023 (217kb pdf) Traffic and Parking Bylaw 2012 attachments (3.2mb pdf)
This bylaw sets the requirements for control of traffic and parking on roads, public places, parking areas and transport stations owned, controlled or managed by Council.
Tauranga parking strategy (10mb pdf) Our public places strategic plan Tauranga Mataraunui Inclusive City Strategy (8.2mb pdf) Accessible Tauranga Action and Investment Plan Urban Design Action and Investment Plan (6.3mb pdf) Climate Action & Investment Plan Nature and Biodiversity Action & Investment Plan 2023-2033 Reserves and Open Space Action & Investment Plan 2023-33 Play, Active Recreation and Sport Action & Investment Plan 2023-33
Dangerous and Insanitary Buildings Policy 2020 (177kb pdf)
This policy sets out council’s approach to identify and manage dangerous and insanitary buildings.
Easter Sunday Shop Trading Policy 2022 (269kb pdf)
This policy enables shops in Tauranga to trade on Easter Sunday if they wish to.
Gambling Venues Policy 2023 (329kb pdf)
To help limit gambling harm in our community, this policy controls the number and location of both Class 4 and TAB gambling venues and gaming machines (pokies) in our city.
Local Alcohol Policy (560kb pdf)
This policy aims to reduce alcohol related harm in our community. It is made under the section 75 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
Prostitution Bylaw 2019 (1.7mb pdf)
This bylaw provides for the locations of brothels in Tauranga and regulates signs which advertise Commercial Sex Premises or Commercial Sexual Services.
Psychoactive Substances (Local Approved Products) Policy 2018 (408kb pdf)
This policy informs any decision by the Psychoactive Substances Regulatory Authority on where approved psychoactive substances could be sold in Tauranga.
Our public places strategic plan Tauranga Mataraunui Inclusive City Strategy (8.2mb pdf) The Western Bay Economic Strategy (724kb pdf) Connected Centres Programme 2020
Use of Toxic Agrichemicals for Vegetation Management Policy 2023 (173kb pdf)
This policy sets out to protect public health and the wider environment from undue harm and to provide effective vegetation management on council-maintained land. It outlines agrichemicals (weed spray) that may be used on council land and in what circumstances.
Vegetation and Tree Management Policy 2014 (131kb pdf)
This policy relates to all vegetation and trees on council-owned or administered land. This includes (but is not limited to) parks, reserves and the berms on roads and urban streets.
Climate Action & Investment Plan Nature and Biodiversity Action & Investment Plan 2023-2033 Reserves and Open Space Action & Investment Plan 2023-33
Assessing Applications for Domestic Water Supply Outside Specified Zones Policy 2004 (28kb pdf)
This policy identifies criteria to determine if water supply outside the specified zones is 'available'. It includes topics such as access to domestic water supply, reticulated water supply, water supply zones.
Connection of Private Stormwater Systems Policy 1997 (9kb pdf)
This policy provides the criteria for reimbursement of connection costs for private stormwater systems connecting to new council stormwater systems.
Large Water Users Policy 2019 (166kb pdf)
This policy sets criteria for the efficient, sustainable and transparent allocation of water to large water users. It covers topics such as water allocation, water efficiency, and water supply.
Sewerage - Private Sewer Pump Stations 1994 (9kb pdf)
This policy sets out the responsibility for the cost of operating private sewer pump stations.
Trade Waste Bylaw 2019 (189kb pdf)
This bylaw protects people and the environment from harmful substances being put into the wastewater system, and the wastewater system from damage, misuse and inference.
Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw 2022 (58kb pdf)
This bylaw sets out the rules for collection, removal, transport, disposal and processing of waste. It also covers the health and safety of waste collectors, operators and the public, and the management of litter in public places. It works together with our Waste Management and Minimisation Plan (WMMP) to support our vision, goals, objectives and action plan for reducing waste to landfill over the next six years.
Water Meter Policy 2019 (201kb pdf)
This policy sets out the responsibilities for the management of water meters.
Water Supply Bylaw 2019 (241kb pdf)
This bylaw protects the health and safety of people using water, the public water supply network from damage, misuse and interference and assists in the provision of reliable, safe and efficient water supply.
Infrastructure Strategy (6.4mb pdf) Infrastructure Development Code Connected Centres Programme 2020 Climate Action & Investment Plan
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