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We are aware that some customers are having issues making payments online. This is due to Visa and Mastercard now enforcing two-factor authentication on all payments in order to increase security.

If you are having issues making an online payment, please contact your bank.

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Waka, hōiho me ngā ahoroa i ngā takutai

Vehicles, horses and longlines on beaches

Vehicles used to launch or retrieve vessels are allowed on the beach within 50 metres either side of the access but cannot be parked there. All-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and horses are also allowed, but only in certain areas.  Longline/kontiki fishing devices can be used anywhere along the beach, but summer restrictions apply.


Vehicles are generally not permitted to drive on the beach, to ensure our dune vegetation is protected and our community are kept safe. However, there are some exceptions:

  • to launch or retrieve a vessel from our beach ramps at Taylor Reserve, Harrison’s Cut and Pāpāmoa Domain
  • roadworthy all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) with council permits can be used for recreational fishing, if you are travelling east of the access point between 105 and 107 Karewa Parade. Please avoid driving on the dunes and stick to the 20 km/h speed limit. 
  • emergency vehicles can drive on the beach for essential reasons. This includes police, fire, ambulance, government services, surf lifesaving, or council vehicles. 

All other vehicles are not allowed to drive on our beaches. When operating within permitted areas, ATVs do not have priority on the beach – they must be driven in a careful manner with consideration to all beach users. They must not be driven on the dunes. The speed limit is 20km/h.

Gates at Taylor Reserve, Harrison’s Cut and Pāpāmoa Domain are going to be closed to ensure we can look after our environment and the people who enjoy it. This is not a decision that has been taken lightly, however, our priority is taking care of the ecological zone and beachgoers. 

Access for launching or retrieving vessels will soon require a key. To request one, please email us at info@tauranga.govt.nz, or by phoning us at 07 577 7000. A bond will apply. 

Conditions of use for Papamoa Beach (91kb pdf)

Apply for an ATV permit (77kb pdf)

Applications and payments can be made in person to our Customer Service staff at Pāpāmoa Library, Monday to Friday 9.30am to 5pm (card payments only, cash payments not accepted) or at our Customer Service Centre at He Puna Manawa, 21 Devonport Road, Monday to Friday. 

Applications can also be e-mailed to ATV.applications@tauranga.govt.nz along with proof of payment and vehicle licensing. Please state if you would like to collect your licence from Pāpāmoa Library or Customer Service Centre instead of receiving this via post.

Payments can be made via bank transfer to ANZ 06 0433 0213474 00. Please reference the payment with ‘ATV Licence and your first initial and surname.


Generally, , you can ride your horse on the beach.  However, there are some places where you cannot ride, drive, or lead a horse on the beach:

  • any beach at Mauao (the mountain)
  • the main Mount Maunganui beach from Moturiki Island (Leisure Island) to, and including, the base of Mauao
  • any beach at Moturiki Island (Leisure Island)
  • Pilot Bay beach from the base of Mauao to Salisbury Wharf 
  • any beach within 100 metres directly in front of and adjoining any land at mean high water springs classified as Marae Community Zone (as identified in the Tauranga District Plan and shown on the maps in Schedule Two of our Beaches Bylaw), unless the horse is at a walking pace.

Council may, by resolution, define further beaches where horses are not allowed.

Access by horses and their riders to those coastal beaches where horses are permitted, must be via a Council-controlled vehicle access point.

Please ensure you remove and dispose of any horse manure.

For a map of the areas where you can take horses on the beach, please see the map in Schedule one of the Beaches Bylaw.

Beaches Bylaw 2018 (1.8mb pdf)

Longline/kontiki fishing devices

Longline/kontiki fishing devices can be used anywhere along the beach, so long as they not within 300m of any flagged lifeguard area. 

If an ATV is used to transport the device onto the beach, the above ATV rules also apply.

Additional restrictions apply over the summer period.  Between the hours of 10am and 5pm from 15 December to 15 February each year, longline/kontiki fishing devices  cannot be used on the beach at all.


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