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Purongo ā-tau 2021-22

Annual report 2021-22

This annual report provides a review of the work we carried out from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022.

It outlines our operational and financial performance (especially with regards to our budget) and our progress in relation to the first year of our Long-term Plan 2021-2031.

It also provides an overview of our highlights, our challenges, and our future prospects – including our plans to ensure the sustainability of our organisation, our city and the community we serve.

Annual Report summary (2mb pdf)

Annual Report 2021-22: sections

  1. Introduction / Kupu arataki (704kb pdf)
    A welcome from the Commissioners, a snapshot of our city, and an explanation of what this report is all about.
  2. Year in review / Te tau kua hipa (947kb pdf)
    Planning and reporting cycle, highlights, opportunities and challenges, performance snapshot, city events, awards and recognition, and working with tangata whenua.
  3. Civic leadership / Te whiri mātārae (439kb pdf)
    The commission, Mayor and Councillors, how we govern, the committee structure.
  4. Our organisation / Te āhua o te kaunihera (539kb pdf)
    Organisational leadership, executive team, structure, stakeholders, leadership learning and development, risk management, health, safety and wellbeing.
  5. Groups of activities / Ngā mahi katoa (831kb pdf)
    Groups of activities.
  6. Council Controlled Organisations / Ngā whakahaere / Raro / Te mana o te kaunihera (496kb pdf)
    Bay Venues Limited, Tauranga Art Gallery Trust, Tourism Bay of Plenty, Local Government Funding Agency, Bay of Plenty Local Authority Shared Services.
  7. Financials / Pūrongo pūtea (1.3mb pdf)
  8. Glossary (255kb pdf)

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