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Additional security measures

We are aware that some customers are having issues making payments online. This is due to Visa and Mastercard now enforcing two-factor authentication on all payments in order to increase security.

If you are having issues making an online payment, please contact your bank.

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Tūtohunga panonitanga mahere

Proposed plan changes

Our City Plan provides the rules for how people can build or develop land in Tauranga. We regularly review these rules to ensure they’re working well and will propose plan changes when they need to be updated.

This helps us make changes to the City Plan to address emerging issues, until the full City Plan review, which takes place every 10 years.

You can read about each proposed plan change below.

Variation 1 - Plan Change 33

Thank you to everyone who made a submission and/or further submission on Variation 1 to Plan Change 33. We will now consider all submissions and further submissions received and prepare a report to assist the independent hearings panel in making recommendations on the Variation.

The hearing is scheduled for 4-6 December 2024.

Plan Change 34

The Independent Hearing Commissioner’s recommendations go to the 16 September Council meeting for consideration.

Private Plan Change 35

The Independent Hearing Commissioner’s recommendations go to the 16 September Council meeting for consideration.

Private Plan Change 39

Thank you to everyone who made a submission or further submission on Private Plan Change 39. These submissions will be analysed and a hearing report will be prepared next. A hearing date will be added here once a date is confirmed.

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