Resource recovery is the separation of certain materials from the waste we produce, with the aim of using them again, or turning them into new raw materials for use again.
It involves composting and recycling of materials that are heading to the landfill.
The resource recovery park at Te Maunga in Truman Lane, Mount Maunganui, accepts a range of resources such as concrete, demolition materials, solvents, household recyclable materials and green-waste for recycling and reuse. Access is via the transfer station which also processes waste for transport to landfill.
Businesses operating at the resource recovery park
- recycling drop off centre - free recycling for some materials
- composting - green-waste made into certified organic compost
- solvent recovery - distillation: solvents distilled to a reusable product
- kerbside recycling collection processing - materials baled and exported for processing into new materials
- construction demolition separation for materials reuse
- concrete collection for reuse as filling in construction projects
- waste oil collected to be used as a fuel
- flat glass recycling (automative, window pane etc) and bunkers for colour separated bottle glass
- untreated timber processing.
Reuse of materials
In Tauranga, goods recycling and reuse can be done through second hand stores or op shops or via the following organisations: